MLK Day Service Event: "Learn Before You Speak"
January 1, 2019
"Learn Before You Speak: An Interactive Service Event"
When: Monday, January 21, 2019 — Self-guided activities run from 11am – 2:30pm, stop in anytime! No sign up required.
Location: Kellogg Center, Centennial Rooms A, B, C
The Center for Service-Learning and Civic Engagement invites you to participate in its interactive event: “Learn Before You Speak”. This event will provide opportunities for students, faculty/staff, and community attendees to:
- Learn about local organizations that use free speech to serve others
- Participate in an on-site service project
- Contribute to a guided discussion about how we use speech in service
At the entrance, we will ask participants to sign in and write a “six word story” regarding the topic of immigration and speech in the United States. Once this is completed, students will enter the room where they can enjoy refreshments and sit down to watch a short video introduction corresponding with the theme. This will include videos from the United Nations regarding immigration and videos from the Refugee Development Center. After the video completes, participants may participate in the on-site service project to benefit Cristo Rey Community Center – assembling personal hygiene kits. There will also be a table staffed by the Refugee Development Center where they will provide a short activity and information about the population that they work with. Additional information will be displayed on a table behind the activities so that students can learn more about the organizations and the challenges they face. Near the exit of the room is a circle of chairs that will be used by MSU Dialogues to guide participants through a conversation. This will be a guided discussion around speech and discussing highly contentious topics such as immigration. As students exit, they will be asked to again create a six word story to reflect upon what they had learned or how their perspective has changed based on their interactions at the event.