Jai Kozar-Lewis

Jai Kozar-Lewis
Jai Kozar-Lewis

Supply Chain Management

Jai Kozar-Lewis (he/him) is a sophomore Honors Supply Chain Management student at the Eli Broad College of Business. He is passionate about serving his community and is excited to begin his second year as a Community Engaged Scholar with the Center for Community Engaged Learning. He is also a Newman Civic Fellow for the 2023-2024 Academic year. Outside of CCEL, Jai is involved in Spectrum Consulting Group (SCG) and Multicultural Business Students (MBS). He is a Resident Assistant (RA) and serves on the Inclusive Campus Initiative Student Advisory Committee. Through these positions, he actively looks for opportunities to bring people together and help form strong communities. Jai is serving with the Greater Flint Arts Council this scholar year.