Michigan State University Center for Community Engaged Learning congratulates John S. Duley on receiving the Inaugural National Society for Experiential Education (NSEE)

John S. Duley Lifetime Achievement Award for his engaged scholarship, including his chapter on the STEP project in the upcoming volume, Going Public


John S. Duley Career Highlights

Ordained as Presbyterian minister.


Comes to East Lansing as Presbyterian pastor of MSU. Works with colleges and universities to strengthen services for nontraditional students. Becomes interested in experiential learning.

1965 - 1968

Develops and leads the Student Tutorial Education Project (STEP). STEP engaged over 100 MSU student and faculty volunteers to help prepare students at Rust College, an all-Black school in Mississippi, for academic success and help the college become fully accredited.


Becomes faculty emeritus.


Gathers signatures for request to Congress to stop production and distribution of nuclear weapons. Ballot proposal passes; organization of Michigan Peace and Justice Network of 159 organizations follows.


Founds Greater Lansing Housing Coalition.


Is interviewed for and cited in Service-Learning: A Movement’s Pioneers Reflect on its Origins, Practice, and Future (T. K. Stanton, D. W. Giles, Jr., & N. I Cruz; Jossey-Bass), a pivotal volume that chronicles service-learning’s rise as a teaching pedagogy from the turbulent campus climate of the 1960s and 70s.


Forms Closing the Digital Gap program, an initiative to provide low-income residents with access to computers and the Internet.


Initiates the Edgewood Village – MSU CSLCE partnership afterschool tutoring program. Over 40 MSU service-learning students serve weekly.


Organizes 40th Reunion of MSU students who participated in the STEP program at Rust College. Arranges for interviews with former students and analyzes transcripts, resulting in the first ever 40-year retrospective study of the long term impacts of an experiential education program on participants’ lives. The study is being published as a book chapter: Duley, J. S. (In press). Service learning and civic engagement as preparation for a life committed to working for the common good: The Michigan State University/Rust College Student Tutorial Education Project 1965-1968. In H. E. Fitzgerald & J. Primavera (Eds.), Going public: Civic and community engagement. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.


Receives Outstanding Service-Learning Pioneer Award from CSLCE.


Receives Michigan Gov. George Romney Lifetime Achievement Award, which honors an individual who has taken his or her volunteer services to the highest level, year after year.


The John S. Duley Endowment for Service-Learning is dedicated in his honor. The Duley endowment is designed to support student-led community and civic engagement initiatives by providing funding to enhance the mission of the CSLCE.


Receives NSEE Pioneer in Experiential Education Award.

(Requests for specific publications can be made by emailing communityengagedlearning@vps.msu.edu)