Community Relations and Community Service & Engagement - International Town and Gown Association (ITGA) — Presidential Excellence Award
Community Relations and Community Service & Engagement International Town and Gown Association (ITGA) — Presidential Excellence Award
UN Goals: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Following the tragic events of February 13, the Community Relations unit at MSU quickly jumped into action, rallying local community members to provide support for MSU students.
Suchitra Webster, MSU Community Liaison, and colleagues used their previous connections to the community to partner with the City of East Lansing's Parks, Recreation and Arts Department to offer mental health services for students, faculty, staff, and family members at the Hannah Community Center.
As a result of this collaborative work, MSU's Community Relations unit received the International Town and Gown Association (ITGA) Presidential Excellence Award. The ITGA is a nonprofit organization focused on collaborative work between universities and their surrounding communities on issues benefiting both parties.
The ITGA Presidential Excellence Award is awarded to those members who demonstrate exceptional performance in one of the following areas: Volunteer service, leadership, or educational achievement in town-gown communities or for the ITGA.