College of Nursing - Nursing Student Association
College of Nursing Nursing Student Association

The Nursing Student Association (NSA) is the only professional student organization within the College of Nursing at MSU. Its members build networks, hold meetings, and sponsor events in preparation for their careers in the field of nursing.
The main catalyst for that preparation is community service.
In the 2019-2020 academic year alone, NSA members participated in a plethora of engagement activities across campus and the Greater Lansing area. They held a blood drive and cleaned up campus after game days. Students volunteered with Kate’s Café, Relay for Life, and the MSU Food Bank, to name a few.
Another focus of the association is healthcare promotion and sharing what they have learned with the community. Many NSA members participate in MSU’s Teddy Bear Picnic, an event that teaches children about healthcare and encourages wellness.
For NSA members, giving back to the community is not optional. It is a major part of who they are and who they want to be when they enter the field of nursing. Caring for the community is a crucial component of healthcare.
“I learned that volunteering is part of who I am and who I want to be,” said Faith May, President of the NSA in 2020 and senior in the College of Nursing, “giving back to others is one of the most beautiful parts of being a nurse and just being human.”
One of the experiences that has been most impactful for May with NSA is volunteering at the McLaren Hospice Center. “That experience was enough to show me how important it is to have holistic connections with your patients,” May said.
The connection between patient and nurse mirrors the devotion of NSA members to the community as they learn and serve.