Faculty Special Topics Series
Special Topics Series for Community Engaged Learning Practitioners
ATTENTION: Faculty, Academic Staff, and Instructors, new or experienced with community engaged learning. We invite you to participate in a Special Topics Series for Faculty Practitioners to discuss academic community engaged learning at MSU. Join us for the session(s) that make sense for you and invite a colleague or two!
For more information contact Michelle Snitgen msnitgen@msu.edu or Stephanie Brewer sbrewer@msu.edu.
Spring 2025 Sessions
Community Conversations: The Elements of Community Partnerships
Click here to register.
Location: Zoom (Virtual)
Date: Monday, March 17th, 2025, from 1:30 – 2:50 p.m. (EST)
Registration Deadline: Friday, March 14th, 2025
This session will discuss elements of strong partnerships to effectively co-create community-engaged learning opportunities for students. Hear examples of successful faculty-community partnerships, discuss considerations for initiating and sustaining partnerships, and explore resources to assist you in partnership development or enhancement.
The Community-Engaged Learning Student Experience
Click here to register.
Location: Zoom (Virtual)
Date: Wednesday, April 16th, 2025, from 9:30 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. (EST)
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, April 15th, 2025
This session will help practitioners think through the community-engaged learning experience from the student perspective. What are the benefits and challenges for our students, and what is our responsibility as practitioners to ensure students are prepared? How can we really work toward a transformative learning experience?
Past Sessions
Democratic Engagement: Supporting Students as Engaged Citizens
This session will highlight democratic engagement and methods for including this community-engaged learning strategy into your course experience at Michigan State University (MSU). The session will include immediate takeaways for implementation this semester, as well as tools for designing future coursework, designed specifically for MSU faculty and academic staff.
(Re)Design Your Community-Engaged Learning (CEL) Syllabus Through Exploring the Social Change Wheel: Working Toward Anti-Racism, Equity, and an Expanded Definition of CEL
In this workshop we will expand our definition of community-engaged learning through exploration of campus and community-based social change strategies, which have anti-racism, equity, and community partnerships at their core. Informed by the Social Change Wheel, we will highlight definitions, tools, and resources related to designing a community-engaged course syllabus and addressing the student learning experience, community partnerships, and critical reflection opportunities. We will draw from sample syllabi, templates, and peer testimonials to assist instructors in shaping plans for future courses.
Community Engaged Learning in the Classroom: Rubrics, Reflections, and Resources
This session will discuss creative examples, strategies for grading, and best practices for leading students to reflect upon and make meaning of their community-engaged learning experiences. Hear from faculty peers, dialogue with colleagues, and leave with new ideas to enhance student learning and complement your teaching practices.
Community Conversations: The Elements of Community Partnerships
This session will discuss elements of strong partnerships to effectively co-create community engaged learning opportunities for students. Hear examples of successful faculty-community partnerships, discuss considerations for initiating and sustaining partnerships, and explore resources to assist you in partnership development or enhancement.
Exploring the Social Change Wheel: Working Toward Anti-Racism, Equity, and an Expanded Definition of Community-Engaged Learning
In this workshop we will discuss definitions, tools, and resources related to the Social Change Wheel. Expand your definition of community-engaged learning through exploration of campus and community-based implementation strategies, which have anti-racism, equity, and community partnerships at their core.
Getting Started: Support for Community-Engaged Learning at MSU
This session will discuss the support that the Center for Community Engaged Learning (CCEL) can provide to instructors in developing and enhancing course-based community-engaged learning opportunities for students. The gathering will include networking time for participants to connect with each other and share current and/or future project plans.
The Virtual Experience: Expand the Possibilities for Community Engaged Learning
This session will highlight formatting options for community engaged learning in the virtual setting. Join your colleagues for a discussion of opportunities and challenges, implications for community partnerships, and examples of successful practice.
Shaping the Future: A Planning Session for Community Engaged Learning
Choose a tool or two and devote time to planning. This session will outline and provide effective tools for course design planning and provide working time to put pen to paper (or rather fingers to keyboard). Connect with Center for Community Engaged Learning staff and colleagues from across campus to ask questions and brainstorm as you shape or enhance community engaged learning experiences for your students in your very own virtual breakout room.
Democratic Engagement: Supporting Students as Engaged Citizens
This session will highlight democratic engagement and methods for including this community engaged learning strategy into your course experience. The session will include immediate takeaways for implementation this semester, as well as tools for designing future coursework.
The Community Engaged Learning Student Experience
This session will help practitioners think through the community engaged learning experience from the student perspective. What are the benefits and challenges for our students, and what is our responsibility as practitioners to ensure students are prepared? How can we really work toward a transformative learning experience?
Creating or Refining Your Community-Engaged Learning Syllabus
This session will discuss elements of designing a syllabus to outline the community-engaged learning experience and requirements, highlight community partnership, and build in reflection opportunities. We will draw from sample syllabi, templates, and peer testimonials to assist instructors in shaping plans for future courses.